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Christmas Displays

Christmas Display information for members

  • Please make sure you registered your attendance for your child as soon as possible.
  • Ticket links will be sent to members (please remember only 2 tickets per family for one display only). There is limited seating, and tickets go fast.
  • Please make sure your child is on time and you are here in plenty of time to watch the performance as we are working to a very tight schedule and the show will go on regardless of whether all the gymnasts and spectators have arrived.
  • At the end of the Display, please listen out for your child’s group and which Exit to collect them from on the day.
  • Please note there will be NO parking in the RGA car park on the day, but there is alternative parking at our overflow car park or at the Kew retail park just a short walk away. We advise everyone to park at Kew Retail and walk so that traffic on Townmead Road is kept to a minimum.
  • Arrive ready in your costume at your allocated arrival time.
  • All belongings need to fit into a named bag (including shoes- we suggest sliders) to help manage the volume of items.
  • Every child needs to bring a named water bottle.
  • Gymnasts will need collecting at the end. 

Does my child have to do the Displays?

Yes. For the sake of their team mates in class and logistics, please make sure your child takes part in all the group’s Displays. 

When can I buy spectator tickets?

Spectator ticket links will be emailed to members.

Why can I only be able to buy two spectator tickets?

Sorry, we do not have enough seating for more! 

We would love to offer more seating if we could. We appreciate your understanding!

Where can I park?

Please park in Kew Retail Park and walk through to RGA. Parking is free for up to 4 hours.

How can I get a refund of my spectator tickets?

a. Log into your Eventbrite account

b. Go to your tickets

c. Select ‘Cancel the order/tickets’

We will then be able to process the refund.

Food & Drinks

Festive sweet treats, hot drinks and nibbles will be available to buy on the day. Please join us a little earlier (as no food or drink is allowed inside the gym).

Will I be able to move around once the display has started?

For everyone’s safety, no one will be permitted to enter or leave unless there is a natural break, or until the Display has ended.